Inspiration  |  Growth  |  Mentor  |  Confidence  |  Future  |  Fun









For half a century NCSY has inspired Jewish teens to embrace their heritage through regional and chapter Shabbatonim and other special events. For many teens, this has been their first taste of Shabbos, for others, it has given them a renewed appreciation of its beauty.
     NCSY Shabbatonim teach, entertain, and challenge. “Shabbaton Havdalah” never fails to inspire a stronger commitment to yiddishkeit and a greater sense of unity, regardless of the NCSYer’s background.
     NCSY’s famous Shabbatonim have encouraged thousands to lead observant lives and have changed the landscape of our communities.

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NCSY provides a sense of meaning to unaffiliated and religiously apathetic Jewish teenagers. NCSYers find a community of peers interested in gaining knowledge and in growing. For example, under the guidance of New York Director of Outreach, Rabbi Moshe Zucker, NCSYers take pride in celebrating siyumim at many Shabbatonim. NCSY works with numerous public school students who choose to make the commitment to switch to yeshiva or spend a year studying in Israel, as well as teens who were previously on their way “off the derech” and are now enthusiastically dedicated to Torah.
     Teens and pre-teens start attending our programs primarily to socialize with their friends, but leave with a fresh perspective of Yiddishkeit. We create a warm, informal environment in which thousands of teens have been able to clarify their values, develop self-esteem, and find a personal connection to their heritage. At our weekly meetings, topics such as Tefila, Shabbos, and Kashrus are presented from a teen’s point of view. Debate and discussion are encouraged.

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In today’s difficult times, being a teenager is harder than ever. Many teens need additional support as well as positive role models with whom they can build a relationship. Our well-trained advisors serve as both mentors and friends to our NCSYers with a keen understanding of the dilemmas facing teens, as they discover their heritage. Many of our advisors relate so well to the teens, because they are former NCSYers themselves.
     Additionally, members of the NCSY administration are accessible and are available to offer support and answer questions.
     New York Regional Director, Rabbi Jeff Greenberg, can be found nearly every afternoon and night at a chapter or club meeting, thereby allowing him to have a Rebbie-talmid relationship with hundreds of teenagers. NCSYers can take advantage of our Chavrusa-by-phone program where they are teamed with an advisor to learn a topic of their choosing over the phone.

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With a variety of exciting programs, there is a place for every teen to build on his or her particular strengths. Weekly meetings, frequent events, and Shabbatonim, as well as staff who are approachable and supportive, create a welcoming and comfortable environment in which self-esteem is developed and leadership abilities are nurtured by the teens.
     We believe that when teenagers feel like an essential part of a greater whole, they will strive to do their best. This confidence carries over into other aspects of their lives, and allows them to grow into exemplary adults. 
     We encourage our members to adopt leadership roles by giving them responsibilities within their chapter, encouraging them to participate in acts of chesed and mentoring younger members. Eventually our NCSYers are encouraged to sit on regional board, where they make decisions affecting the programming in our region. Eventually they go on to lead chapters of their own, perpetuating a cycle of success.

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NCSY tries to ensure that our “graduates” continue to grow. Our administration and advisors maintain relationships with our alumni and are available for advice and support. Many of our alumni go on to learn in yeshivas in Israel or in the US. For those NCSYers who are unable to pay for yeshiva we provide Torah Fund scholarships and other means of assistance. 
     To further this goal, we’ve opened a post-high school program to enable those girls unable to study in Israel to continue their Judaic studies here in the US. In the NCSY model, we offer classes on Torah and Jewish philosophy in a relaxed and interactive format. Our goal is to instill in our students a deeper awareness of their role as Jewish women in their personal life, as well as within their community.
     Our alumni have assumed leadership roles and contribute tremendously to the communities they live in. Many have returned to their Regions in advisory or leadership roles. Their experience in NCSY has enhanced their lives and has transformed generations to come. Your help is what allows all of this to happen.

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In addition to chapter and club meetings, NCSY runs special events and Shabbatonim. NCSYers participate in many activities, such as skating, skiing, bowling, and laser tag; in a supervised environment. It’s a way for members to build important relationships in a casual, fun atmosphere while learning to appreciate the value of wholesome activities. In addition to our Regional programming during the school year, National NCSY runs many summer programs, including sport camps, Israel learning programs, Israel tours and other travel programs (click here for more). The programs combine fun and learning, for an experience that will not only give teens the summer of their lives, but affect the course of their lives, as well.

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