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NEW LOCATION!  The Kingsway - 2902 Kings Highway - Brooklyn, New York

November 8th, 2003 at 8:00pm

Valet Parking, Hot Buffet, and Exciting Door Prizes!

Admission $15 (includes a free $18 coupon)


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Discount Ticket Packages Available
Orders paid for by November 5, 2003
$125 buys coupons worth $160
$225 buys coupons worth $336
$360 buys coupons worth $550
$500 buys coupons worth $880
$750 buys coupons worth $1350

Blockbuster Package
$1,000 buys coupons worth $2,200
or a ticket in every box. 
At the Auction
$125 buys coupons worth $150
$225 buys coupons worth $300
$360 buys coupons worth $500
$500 buys coupons worth $750
$750 buys coupons worth $1250

Blockbuster Package
$1,000 buys coupons worth $2,100
or a ticket in every box.

Split the Pot*
$10 a chance, 3 for $25, 5 for $36

Jackpot Raffle*
A chance to win everything — $10 a chance, 3 for $25
There is a jackpot coupon in every box. Before any drawings begin on Auction Night, the Jackpot winner will be selected from the Jackpot prize box. The Jackpot winner will then have the chance to win every table drawing at the auction. Any time the Jackpot ticket is drawn from a prize box, the Jackpot winner automatically wins that prize.

Instant Winner — walk away with cash or a fabulous prize before the auction is over! 

We accept American Express, Visa, and Mastercard.

If you cannot attend... please phone, fax or mail in your selections.  Orders may be phoned in advance through November 5, 2003 to the NCSY office.
Days and Evenings:  (718) 461-1200  If there is no answer at the above number please call: (718) 377-0936
24-Hour Fax: (718) 762-6279 
Mailing Address:  64-41 Utopia Parkway, Fresh Meadows, NY 11365
Visit us at our web site and purchase online: www.ou.org or www.nyncsy.com
Out of NY State call us toll free: 1-877-NCSY-4NY
If at the last minute you cannot attend, you may call in your orders to The Kingsway on Saturday night, November 8 at (718) 338-5000 between the hours of 8:00 and 10:00 pm.

*Split the pot and Jackpot chances are not included in the discount packages and cannot be purchased with coupons. Winners are responsible to pick up their prizes by November 27, 2003. Winners are responsible for shipping arrangements.


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NCSY would like to express our sincere appreciation to the following individuals who gave generously of their time and effort to ensure the success of this auction

Auction Development Coordinators:
Shalom Meltzer
Nahum Zak

Auction Design Coordinator:
Elisheva Motsenyat

Graphic Design:
Webmark Design

Media Mill

Auction Committee:

David and Toby Barg
Shuly Calek
Tzivia and Yoni Cohen
Shmuel Erez
Miriam Friedman
Nisan and Gilan Gertz
Adi Gidali
Doni and Lilly Glas
Jay and Shari Gold
Jay and Wendy Goldberg
Zush and Devory Heinrich
Ezra Herskovits
Yonnoson and Rochelle Hirtz
Ari and Jessica Hoffman
Gavi Hoffman
Aviva Honikman
Ari and Sari Kahn
Ivan and Chevie Kail
Henoch and Nechama Kamelhar
Naomi Kaufman
Rebbeca Kaplan
Alan Kreisler
Rachel Kuksin
Netanel Levy
Gadi and Deena Lifthshitz
Moshe and Dena Luchins
Leah Mandlebaum
Yoni and Tzvi Meirov
Uri Mond
Adam and Gila Negnewitsky
Tzipporah Newman
Hudi and Orit Newman
Daphne Peled
Yochani Pollack
Lisa Rozenthal
Mordechai Ryan
Sharon Shmeltzer
Avi Shoop
David Stein 
Karen Steinberg
Dovi and Devorah Wachsler
Moshe and Evelyn Warman-Halberstam
Moshe Whealcatch


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A Special thank you to all who contributed to the success of this auction

Jack Bauer
Ken and Melissa Berger
1800 Eichlers and the Blau family
Heshey, Shaya and Shia of The Buzz
Councilman Bill deBlasio
Shoshie Edelstein
Naomi, Simon and Marta from El-Al
Councilman Simcha Felder
Sarah Fine
Nachman, Dovid, and Plaxico of Frankel's 
Sara Fuchs
Dani of Gadamo
Todd Gallo
Coucilman Jim Gennaro
Jay and Shari Gold
MC and AP Goldberg
Naomi Greenberg
Aviva Greenberg
Paloma Hahn
Zush Heinrich
Avraham and Yehuda Hirtz
Gavi Hoffman
Akiva of Huvy’s Gallery
Iroquois Hotel
Judaica Press
The Kahn Family
Yehuda of the Kosher Gym
Moshe Luchins
Luxury Luggage
David and Vivian Luchins
Yali Luss of Yali Wigs
Ron Markovitz of WebMark Design
Yoni and Tzvi Meirov
1800 Mezuzah 
Aryeh Mezzi
Michoel and Dov Elias of Media Mill
Mayer Volk of Media Mill
Isaac Mizrachi 
Elisheva Motsenyat
Councilman Michael Nelson
Yochani Pollack
Chavie Rosen
Ruthie Sanders of Roza Wigs
Justin Sapp
Gabe Schwab
Nachum Segal of JM in the AM
Yeruchum Silber
Josh Spiezinger
Suki and Ding
Simcha Deutch of International J. Sterling
Status Jewelry
Touro College
Orite Tal
Utopia Jewish Center
Little Ricki Wachsler
Allison, Shevi, Dovid, and Doni Zak
Nahum Zak
Moshe Zucker
Our Auction Committee
The entire NCSY Staff
All our "Friends of NCSY"
All our Sponsors

Our heartfelt appreciation to the sponsors of tonight’s auction

Platinum Sponsors
Shari and Jay Gold
Jeremy Goldzal
Dovie and Devorah Wachsler

Gold Sponsors
Abraham and Moussa Soleimani
Levi and Shari Katlowitz
Shaindy Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mirzoff
Adam and Gila Negnewitsky
Larry and Shelly Russack
Jerry Selighson
Nahum and Allison Zak

Silver Sponsors
Moshe and Hillel Adelman
Shoshana and Sadi Ben-Zakai
Ken and Melissa Berger 
Hahn Family
Dr. David Hurowitz and Family
Henoch and Nechama Kamelhar
Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Kovacs
Netanel Levy
Moshe and Dena Luchins
Michel Shwartz

We take this opportunity to offer sincere apologies to anyone who has been inadvertently omitted from this catalogue. We would like to thank all those who have sponsored, supported, and will attend our auction. May Hashem grant you the continued ability to give in good health, with happiness, and benevolence, Ad Meah V'esrim Shana.

From all the NCSYers whose windows into Judaism have been opened, thanks to you. If you receive more than one booklet, please pass it along to a friend.

Prizes subject to change for prizes of equal or greater value, or rights reserved, some restrictions may apply.


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