1B. Toshiba Notebook Computer
Intel’s Pentium 4 Processor 2.66GHz
40 GB Hard Drive
512 MB of SDRAM 
14.1" XGA Display
DVD/CDRW Combo Drive

Sponsored in honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Greenberg

2B. Silver for Every Holiday
You get it all! 
· Traditional Menorah
· Candlabra
· Megillah Holder
· Kaarah Plate
· Esrog Holder
· Challah Knife
· Zmiros Holder
· Silver Vase
· Challah Board

Sponsored by International J. Sterling

3B. Choice of Jewelry 
Choose from a dazzling array of fine jewelry, including: Necklace, Bracelets, or Earrings ranging from 1.5 to 3 carats.

Sponsored in loving memory of Esther Bas Sarah

4B. Exciting European Vacation
Pack your bags and head to one of these exciting destinations:
1) Enjoy the beauty of the Alps, as you experience one of the most beautiful sights in the world. You’ll be the winner of two round-trip tickets to Switzerland. Spend seven days, six nights at a five-star hotel.
2) Head to London, England and see for yourself what makes it the number one tourist attraction. Prize includes two roundtrip tickets and one-week deluxe accommodations. 

(some restrictions apply)

Sponsored in recognition of Shari Gold, a true NCSYer for life, whose colossal efforts often go without thanks.

5B. Custom Wig
The custom-made sheitel of your dreams to fit your style, color, texture and size. Choice of Yali's lightweight, hand made, scalp top wig ($3,200 value) or Clary's wig (value up to $2,000).

Sponsored by Yali's and Clary's

6B. Travel to Israel in Class!
Two Round Trip Tickets to Israel aboard El Al. Enjoy the sights and sounds of Jerusalem, while staying in a deluxe five star hotel.

(some restrictions apply)

Sponsored by El Al

7B. Sforim Shrank from Frankel’s
From the store that specializes in Sforim Shranks, let your home look like a decorator’s dream with this new addition.

Sponsored by Frankel’s

8B. Huvy Painting
Huvy is an artist of rare power whose paintings are full of life, light and color. She is one of the outstanding Judaic artists of our time. Choose from a selection of Huvy's mixed-medias to adorn your home.

Sponsored by Huvy's Gallery (416) 782-0812
